
Giles Hutchins helps broaden leaders’ perspectives so they can sense into the emerging future of their life purpose and their emergent organisational ecosystem.

Giles provides executive coaching, consultancy, life-coaching and board advisory services.

‘Giles has provided us with a treasure-trove of approaches, methods, models and living examples of ways of creating the regenerative organization of the future.’

Peter Hawkins, Professor of Leadership, Henley Business School

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The time has come.

The world of leadership and organisational development is transforming before our eyes. Leaders either learn to cross the threshold and thrive in these transformational times or they struggle, stress and strain with out-dated approaches, methods and mind-sets. Crossing the threshold while keeping the wheels on the road is THE challenge of our time for Future-Fit Leaders. This is not a one-off silver bullet. It’s a discipline, a way of sensing-and-responding, a way of being-and-doing.

Giles Hutchins provides the safe space, sparks the insights, facilitates the deep dialogue, and catalyses authentic change for this necessary transformation in leadership consciousness.

Giles works with senior leaders and managers at one-to-one, small group and systemic levels to unlock tensions and allow shifts in perception and learning to occur.  He offers bespoke programmes, one-to-one sessions and deep-dive workshops, contact here.

Giles has been trained in and practiced a range of leadership development and business skills, from the technical skills of strategy, business transformation, business process improvement, program management, and operational excellence through to the leadership and change skills of coaching, conscious leading, advanced adult developmental psychology, emotional and intuitive intelligence, next-stage future-fit business. He has a range of qualifications including a Masters in Business Systems and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Advanced Leadership. He has also been at the coal-face of leadership himself for many years leading large teams, complex change programs, and heading up business units with P&L ownership across multinational operations.