
Leading by Nature Book + Podcasts.

Climate change, Covid and conflict; an increasingly dispersed multi-generational workforce that is crying out for meaning and belonging: The unrelenting pace of these leadership challenges is demanding an evolution in organizational thinking in response.

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The old Industrial-age of top down, organization-as-machine metaphor is breaking down and a new one is breaking through – the organization-as-living-system. 

Leading by Nature goes right to the heart of this approach, informed by the regenerative systems in the natural world to inspire practices, tools and techniques that will help us lead organizations capable of transforming and thriving in a fast-emerging future.

A masterful guide to the power of regenerative leadership.”

John Elkington

This book is a must-read for those involved in the future of business.  I can’t recommend his work highly enough.”

Norman Wolfe

“This book is brilliant look into the emerging renaissance of business management. I couldn’t put it down.”

Joseph H. Bragdon

“An essential, timely and paradigm-shifting book for 21st century future-fit business.”

Tomas Björkman
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Leading by Nature Book + Podcasts.

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