
A pioneering practitioner, keynote speaker and executive coach.

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Leading by Nature (Wordzworth)

A master-guide to next-stage leadership consciousness and future-fit business.

A truly exceptional & timely book. It’s the teacher we all need.
Sue Cheshire, Former CEO of The Global Leaders Academy


Regenerative Leadership (Wordzworth)

A blueprint for next-stage leadership, unlocking the DNA of 21st century future-fit business.

This book invites leaders to lead the world into the 21st century
Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary UNFCCC 2010-2016


Future Fit (Amazon)

A practical business book for those of us involved in the future of business, from entrepreneur to senior executive.

Brilliant…a must read for all leaders and entrepreneurs.
Richard Barrett, Chairman and Founder, Barrett Values Centre


The Illusion of Separation (Floris Books)

Which received wide ranging praise from world leading philosophers, academics, business experts and leadership specialists.

A powerful and timely work
Sir Tim Smit, KBE, Founder & Chair of The Eden Project


The Nature of Business (Green Books)

Which won an award in North America and has received much praise both sides of the Atlantic.

Simply the best new book on business and management!
Hazel Henderson, President of Ethical Markets Media 


Future Fit is a masterpiece… This is a must-read for any business person seeking answers to a deep inner sense that something different is needed for them and their organization to stay relevant in the 21st century.

Future Fit
Mark Drewell, Senior Partners, The Foresight Group, and former CEO of Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

Giles takes us through this remarkable world of business seen through the eyes of nature. Finally a guide to take this to the next level!

Nature of Business
Gunter Pauli, Founder of The Blue Economy

Giles Hutchins takes us on an amazing tour de force, the intellectual tour of our lives.  With ease and incredible clarity, he reveals simultaneously the history and the philosophy and the implications of the dire plight Earth is now within…Never before has the choice of life, true life, or the path of degradation been put before us with such clear equanimity

The Illusion of Separation
Robert Sardello, Founder, Centre of Spiritual Psychology

The clarity, inspiration, synergy and wisdom of Giles Hutchins book co-authored with Laura Storm is breath-taking. This is the must-read book of the year. I couldn’t put it down.

Regenerative Leadership
Dr Lynne Sedgemore CBE, former CEO of 157 Group, Centre for Excellence in Leadership